This website is designed by first-year students of the Multilingual Web Communication Master’s program (CAWEB) at the University of Strasbourg. This project marks our entry into the professional field of web design and development, where we apply our academic knowledge while contributing to the digital community. As with any first project, some display issues may occur after the website has been launched. Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support.
2024 Website Creation Team
- Jingyi LI: Projet Manager, Content Writer, SEO
- Yijun ZHOU : Graphic Designer, UX/UI Designer, Web Developer
- Aymen SAI : Project Manager, Translator/Localiser
- Elisa Bultez : Content Writer, Translator/Localiser
- Project Tutor: BRAUN Gabriel
- Internship Tutor: ARPIN Christophe
- Internship Structures: Weekend’Artistes, University of Strasbourg
- As well as all the professors, students, and people who contributed to the success of this project.
Image Credits
All the images used on this website are the exclusive property of Weekend’Artistes and are protected by copyright law. It is strictly forbidden to copy, distribute, or use them in any way without the prior permission of Weekend’Artistes.
For any questions or authorisation requests, please refer to our contact page.
Legal Information
Web Host
Company: OVH
Address : 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
Phone Number: +33 9 72 10 10 07
Intellectual Property
This website and the entirety of its content are the exclusive property of Weekend’Artistes. It is forbidden to copy or transfer any of the site’s content (including texts, images, videos, etc.), in whole or in part, without explicit authorisation from the association. It is also forbidden to make the content of this site available to the public or to use it for any commercial purpose. It is also forbidden to make the content of this site available to the public or to use it for any commercial purpose. Violations of these terms may result in legal action.